Air Quality Dispersion Modelling
Air quality models mathematically and numerically simulate the physical and chemical processes, based on inputs of meteorological data and source information like emission rates and stack height that affect air pollutants as they disperse.

What is Air Quality Dispersion Modelling?
Air quality models mathematically and numerically simulate the physical and chemical processes, based on inputs of meteorological data and source information like emission rates and stack height that affect air pollutants as they disperse. Air quality models are used during the environmental clearance process to verify that a new source will not exceed ambient air quality standards and determine appropriate control requirements.
Airsense: Air Dispersion Modelling
For years, Airsense East Africa Experts have performed air dispersion modeling for industrial facilities, utilities, and government agencies. Airsense East Africa is recognized nationally and internationally for our skills and advanced modeling software/infrastructure, enabling Airsense Environmental Lab to formulate and conduct dispersion modeling studies for numerous applications.
Airsense East Africa can assist you with the following:
- Assessing Impacts of Air Emissions from a single site or cumulative sites to demonstrate compliance with ambient air quality standards and other air quality-related values (acid deposition, visibility, regional haze, etc.) utilizing U.S. EPA preferred models (e.g., AERMOD), and beta-version AERCOARE (the marine environment version of AERMOD), and long range screening models such as CALPUFF and SCICHEM
- Assessing impacts of offshore emissions on the air quality of coastal regions using the Offshore and Coastal Dispersion (OCD) mode
- Assessing visible plumes, icing, and fogging impacts due to high water-content air emissions using specialized models such as FOG, SACTI, and CALPUFF
- Performing off-site consequence analyses for risk management planning and meeting state and local air toxic modeling requirements using AERMOD and EPA dispersion, fire, and explosion models
- Evaluating individual and cumulative human and ecological risk and performing probabilistic risk analyses using various modeling tools and other risk modeling tools
- Conducting off-site impact and deposition studies to support litigation activities
- Performing fatal flaw analyses for siting considerations
- Predicting the impact of roadway air emissions with MOVES and AERMOD (EPA is proposing to replace CALINE as a preferred roadway model
Airsense East Africa is recognized nationally for our skills and advanced modeling software/infrastructure, enabling Airsense East Africa to formulate and conduct dispersion modeling studies for numerous applications. In short, there’s no better choice for your dispersion modeling needs. Our experience is multi-faceted and extensive. Our strategies are innovative, time saving, and cost-effective.

- Industrial & Manufacturing
- Banking
- Energy & Mining
- Transportation
- Government
- Agriculture

Lakeoil Plaza
6th Floor, Suite 6C
Lunga Lunga Road, Industrial Area
Nairobi, Kenya
Landline: +254 20 7634456
Cell: +254 711 676 097
Cell: +254 717 207 408
Air Quality Dispersion Modelling
Airsense East Africa is recognized nationally for our skills and advanced modeling software/infrastructure, enabling Airsense . Our staff and tools are the best in the business.